Find legal documents, instructions, permits, forms and other necessary documents
- The Statute Of The University
- Statute of the Student Parliament
- Statut Naučno-istraživačkog instituta
- Statute FTH
- Statute of FE
- FPE statute
- FPFS statute
- Fitd statute
- FPN statute
- The law on higher education
- Law on amendments to the law on higher education (2011)
- Law on amendments to the law on higher education (2012)
- Law on amendments to the law on higher education (2013)
- Amendments to the law on higher education (2015)
- Law on amendments to the law on higher education (2016)
- Law on amendments to the law on higher education (2018)
- The University's quality strategy
- Strategija odnosa s javnošću 2023
- Odluka o visini školarine na I ciklusu studija 2023/24
- Odluka o visini školarine na I ciklusu studija 2024/25
- Odluka o visini školarine na II ciklusu studija 2024/25
- Odluka o visini školarine na III ciklusu studija 2024/25
- Code of teacher ethics
- Memorandum o zajedničkoj saradnji u oblasti karijernog savjetovanja, neformalnog obrazovanja i omladinskog informisanja
- Regulation on the rules of enrollment in the I cycle of Higher Education
- Regulation on academic studies of the second cycle
- Regulation on academic studies of the third cycle
- Regulation on the conditions of registration and rewriting 2023
- Regulation on quality assurance
- Regulation on Student Assessment
- Rulebook on the conditions of selection in the title of teacher and associate of UPS
- Regulation on the passing of differential examinations
- Regulation on the manner and procedure of preparation and defense of final work at the four-year st. programs
- Pravilnik o radu Senata Univerziteta za poslovne studije Banja Luka
- Pravilnik o stručnom i naučnom usavršavanju nastavnog osoblja Univerziteta za poslovne studije
- Regulations on disciplinary responsibility of students
- The rules for granting scholarships
- Pravilnik o visini naknada i cijenama dodatnih usluga
- Pravila studentskog predstavničkog tijela
- Rješenje o odobrenju za rad i upis Naučno-istraživačkog instituta
- Amendments to the code of dress and conduct
- An excerpt from the library's rules of procedure
- Instructions for preparation of seminar and diploma papers
- How to apply (MS Word)
- Application for undergraduate thesis (MS Word)
- Pravilnik o ECTS bodovima, šifriranju i silabusima
- Pravilnik o izdavačkoj djelatnosti Univerziteta za poslovne studije
- Pravilnik o naučnim i umjetničkim oblastima, poljima i užim oblastima
- Pravilnik o oblastima obrazovanja, Sl. glasnik 64
- Pravilnik o pravilima osnovnih akademskih studija I ciklusa
- Pravilnik o računovodstvu
- Pravilnik o radu Alumni udruženja
- Pravilnik o radu Biblioteke
- Pravilnik o radu Univerziteta za poslovne studije
- Pravilnik o radu Vijeća Fakulteta
- Pravilnik o unutrašnjoj organizaciji i sistematizaciji radnih mjesta
- Pravilnik o usvajanju studijskih programa
- Pravilnik o zaštiti na radu
- Rješenje o odobrenju za rad i upis Naučno-istraživačkog instituta
- Standardi za obezbjeđenje kvaliteta na Univerzitetu
- Uredba o osnivanju i početku rada visokoškolskih ustanova
- Samoevaluacioni izvještaj za Univerzitet 2021/22 godine
- Samoevaluacioni izvještaj za Univerzitet 2023/24 godine
- The decision on the accreditation of the University
- Work permit at the University's headquarters
- Permission to work outside the University.
- The solution to start work
- How to meet the requirements for study programs
- How to meet the requirements for working outside the office
- License for the Faculty of Legal Sciences
- License for the Faculty of Ecology
- License for the Faculty of IT and design
- License for the Faculty of Tourism and hotel management
- License to work for the Faculty of PFS
- Sporazumi o studentskoj praksi