If you would like to know more information, please contact us

Address: Jovana Dučića 23a, 78000 Banja Luka

General Service
Phones: I cycle: +387 51 248 300 second and third cycle: +387 51 248 308
E-mail: ups@univerzitetps.com
Working hours: working days from 08.00 to 16.00

Phone: +387 51 248 335
Fax: +387 051 248 360
E-mail: rektor.biljana@univerzitetps.com

Secretary General
Phone: +387 51 248 335
Fax: +387 051 248 335
E-mail: generalni.sekretar@univerzitetps.com

International cooperation
Phone: +387 51 248 344
E-mail: marija.knezevic@univerzitetps.com

Student service
Phone: +387 51 248 300
Fax: +387 051 248 340
E-mail: sanja.petrovic@univerzitetps.com

Service II and III cycle
Phone: +387 051 248 308
E-mail: zeljka.beric@univerzitetps.com

Phone: +387 51 248 311
Fax: +387 51 248 312

General Service
Phone: +387 51 248 327
Fax: +387 51 248 307
E-mail: opstasluzba@univerzitetps.com

IT service
Phone: +387 51 248 301
E-mail: itsupport@univerzitetps.com

Phone: +387 51 248 326

Marketing and public relations
Phone: +387 51 248 301
E-mail: marketing@univerzitetps.com

Bijeljina Department
Miloš Crnjanski 1 / II, 76300 Bijeljina
Telephones: +387 55 211 980, +387 55 213 352
E-mail: upsbn@univerzitetps.com

Department Of East Sarajevo
Telephones: +387 57 310 620, +387 57 318 460
E-mail: upssa@univerzitetps.com